In the heart of Salem County, NJ

Mid-Salem County Municipal Court


Honorable Martin W. Whitcraft
Court Administrator
Barbara Garozzo
Violations Bureau Clerk  
Donna Tomasetti
Phone: 856-769-2424 
Fax: 856-769-3307
Opening Statement:

Window Hours:

Monday through Friday  9 AM – 2 PM



  1. We only accept cash, check or money orders.
  2. Mail payments to Mid Salem County Municipal Court, 25 West Avenue, Woodstown, NJ 08098.
  1. On-line payments may be made on payable traffic summons, time payments and Complaints at
  2. Place your payment in an envelope and leave it in the drop box located at the rear entrance of borough hall. 

**Please be aware that there has been a fee increase in various Title 39 violations.  Please check for updated fees.

 If you have received a scheduled suspension letter from NJDMV, you must contact NJDMV at 609-292-7500  x 5015 to get an extension of that suspension.  Failure to contact NJDMV will result in suspension.


25 West Ave., Woodstown, NJ 08098 / 856-769-2200