In the heart of Salem County, NJ

Everything there is to know about Trash and Recycle

We have a shared service agreement with Logan Township to provide the Borough of Woodstown with trash and recycle pick-up.  

To avoid issues please remember these important tips:

  • Set only Woodstown Borough marked carts out the night before pick-up
  • Only items in the cart will be picked-up
  • Bring carts in as soon as possible after they are emptied, but no later than the night of collection
  • No yard waste will be picked up at all
  • Cart must be place on the curb in front of your house with the front facing the street 

** Carts must be 3 feet from objects such as poles, cars, cans or other objects which may interfere with pick up


If there are any issues with trash or recycling we ask that you call the Clerks Office at 856-769-2200 ext. 101  or report issues on our recycling coach app/website.

The Borough does offer large item pick-up - The Fee is $35.00 per item, payable in the Clerks office and your item(s) will be added to the list. Put the item(s) on the curb the night before pick up day, which is the first and third Friday of every month.

Please note we do not pick up any electronics. 


What is Recycle Coach?

 With Recycle Coach, residents can:

  • Stay organized with custom curbside collection and events calendars
  • Receive collection reminders and real-time updates on service disruptions
  • Become recycling experts with a comprehensive "What Goes Where?" search tool, including local disposal information and collection requirements for common and uncommon items
  • Take the “What Type of Recycler Are You?” quiz for useful recycling tips and tricks
  • Use the problem-reporting tool, equipped with geolocation, to notify municipal customer services about issues like missed collections

**You can find the recycle coach website by clicking Recycle Coach under trash and recycle on the left hand side bar.


Attached Document or FileRecycling Video A great informational video on what to recycle and where. We accept only accept numbers 1 & 2.
25 West Ave., Woodstown, NJ 08098 / 856-769-2200