In the heart of Salem County, NJ

Construction Code Official

Neal Hayward – Electrical Rich Saunders– Building
Pete Voros - Plumbing Rich Saunders – Fire

(p) 769-2200 Ext: 108
(f) 769-3723
2nd floor Borough Hall

Construction Office open
Monday 4:30 pm -5:30 pm 
Wednesday 4:30 pm- 5:30 pm

The Construction and Inspection Office provides inspection and enforcement of all Construction Codes relating to construction, maintenance, use and occupancy of buildings. 

A Building Permit is required for

  •  Renovations
  • Repairs
  • Additions
  • Roof (commercial & if replacing sheathing residential)
  • Pool (above ground or in ground)
  • Lawn Sprinkler System
  • Shed (requires a building permit if the square footage of the shed is 201 square feet and over; a shed of 200 square feet and less does NOT require a construction permit).
  • Oil Tank Removal

 Construction Plans and Layout Drawings

 A NJ Licensed Architect is recommended for the preparation of plans for major projects.  Major projects may need to include floor plans drawn to scale, sections, elevations and details.  Minor projects such as decks and small additions may be drawn by the homeowner.  The Construction Office has standard specifications that can be followed within certain limitations for routine projects such as decks and retaining walls.  These specs, along with a plot plan/survey depicting your project are accepted as the required plans.  There are some plans that require a NJ Licensed Engineer to prepare plans.  Examples are in-ground pools, grading plans and retaining walls more than four feet in height.  Every application for a construction permit shall be accompanied by a set of plans showing the actual shape and dimensions of the lot to be built upon, the exact location, size and height of all existing and proposed structures,  and all existing easements. 

If you are unsure whether or not a permit is required, please call Melinda Taylor, Construction Assistant  (p) 856-299-0780  

25 West Ave., Woodstown, NJ 08098 / 856-769-2200